Mix together, let if get to room temp.
如果有室临时雇员,混合在一起, 让.
——期刊摘选Mix together the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda.
混合面粉 、 发酵粉和盐, 拌匀.
——期刊摘选For the sauce, use tomato ketchup, mayonnaise, cream, white wine & basil mix together.
用番茄酱, 蛋黄酱, 奶油, 白葡萄酒 和 紫苏叶丝做成沙司.
期刊摘选The primaries you choose will determine how the colours will mix together.
互联网From separation to mix together , from opposition to harmonization, the custom and law changed gradually.
秦至西汉中期是礼与法从春秋战国时期的相对分离 、 对立逐渐走向融合 、 协调的关键转折期.
互联网Mix together with a glass of cold water, fresh milk or fruit juice.
以一杯冷开水 、 鲜奶或果汁服送.
互联网They not only can transform each other often mix together but also.
互联网Chop the chocolate and stir the flour. Pour the liquid and mix together until just blended.
把白巧克力切成小丁,拌入面粉中. 倒入前面的液体,搅拌直到各物料混合均匀.
互联网Two child mix together add add dog.
互联网The two are not ingredients to mix together for a tastier meal, they are different courses.
两者并非一道佳肴的配料, 它们是两盘菜.
互联网Mix together the flour, yeast, baking powder and sugar in a bowl.
混合均匀面粉, 酵母, 烤粉和砂糖在一盆里.
互联网Mix together the butter, cream, mustard, salt and pepper.
拌入牛油 、 忌廉 、 芥末 、 盐及胡椒.
互联网And familys with all lives mix together, get you become scare.
而家庭,那么多生命交织在一起, 叫人心生恐惧.
互联网Mix together fresh pineapple juice and low fat milk. It tastes great!
喝一些新鲜的菠萝汁混合一些低脂牛奶, 这样棒极了!
互联网Mix together patience, love, kindness, generosity, faith, understanding and laughter as a recipe for happiness.
幸福的诀窍就是把容忍 、 爱心 、 仁慈 、 慷慨 、 信心 、 谅解和欢笑拌和在一起.
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